I’m tom ulicny, dad, traveler and writer. thanks very much for visiting my website. While you’re here, Be sure to check out the videos on my BOOK page for info on all my books. They’re available in paperback, E-book, and audio-book formats.

I’ve had great fun writing and publishing each of my novels but I have to tell you, writing my first full length book, The Lost Revolution, was a daunting experience. As members of my family endured rewrite after rewrite and I endured their constant, but (generally) constructive criticism, the book, a Victorian era historical fiction adventure, finally made it into print in 2015. I’m pleased to say it’s still selling well so I guess I did something right with it. Next came a murder mystery: The Caruso Collection. Then a mystery adventure with a little sci-fi element: The Scientist’s Accomplice. Then there is a psychological mystery: Dr. Thornhill’s Last Patient that is quite different from the others.

My most recent book, The November Plot, (picture to the right) pits a small-town sheriff in Michigan and a rogue FBI Agent against a corrupt freighter captain and an international conspiracy. It’s a Great Lakes mystery/adventure that’s sure to keep you guessing until the end. Check out the video-trailer for it on my book page. The November Plot is now available on Amazon in paperback, E-book and Audio formats.

Since you’re here on my website, perhaps you’ve read some of my books. If so, I hope you are among those who’ve sent me comments. I always find these helpful and encouraging.

As any reader knows, there is no perfect recipe for the perfect book. Like a good beef stew, or, if you prefer, a good vegetarian lasagna, it’s all in the taste. And everyone’s taste is different. So, dear reader, I invite you review my book-page menu and try one of my literary concoctions. I hope that your taste in reading will coincide with my taste in writing and that you’ll be able to join one of my heroes, Julian North, Nate Parks, Jake Barrows, Ben Marshall and Jack Holiday as they and the people they care about most, face daunting odds, unexpected dangers, tragic consequences and heart-stirring triumphs.